Second section

Exercises of Activity Book

Second section


1  Join the sentences with the relative pronouns In brackets.

  1. This is a book. I read it last week. (that)

This is a book that I read it last week.

  1. There were three people in the car. They wore the same uniform. (who)

There were three people in the car who wore the same uniform. 

  1. Jordan is a country. We spent our holidays in Jordan last year. (where)

Jordan is a country where we spent our holidays in Jordan last year.

  1. Malak is my friend. Malak's sister won the national spelling competition. (whose)

Malak is my friend. Malak's whose sister won the national spelling competition.

  1. He invented a pen. The pen can translate the words it writes. (that)

He invented a pen. The pen that can translate the words it writes.

  1. Samer's car broke down again. Samer's car is new. (which)

Samer's car, which is new, broke down again.


2  Complete the statements and questions with the correct relative pronoun: who, whose, which or where.

  1. This is the office where my father works.
  2. Do you know anyone whose parents are teachers?
  3. Burj Khalifa is the skyscraper which took five years to be built.
  4. I met someone who used to work here.
  5. Is there somewhere near here where I can buy a newspaper?
  6. He lives in a block of flats which has its own tennis courts.


3  Use six of these adjectives from the box below to make comparisons between two places, people or things by writing complete questions. Then, ask your partner to answer them.

easy    bad    beautiful    boring    cheap    exciting    good    healthy    interesting    popular    small    tail    noisy


Example answers

  1. Which subject is easier – science or history?
  2. Which is healthier - chocolate or bananas?
  3. Which animal is smaller - a dog or an elephant?
  4. Which sport is more interesting - tennis or football?
  5. Which watch is cheaper - a gold one or a plastic one?
  6. Who is taller - you or your best friend?


4  Describe these people using the relative pronouns that, who and whose and the comparative and superlative.

Example answers

The man who is wearing a suit is younger than the man with a moustache.

The man that is wearing a hat is fatter than the old man.

The girl whose hair IS short is happier than the girl with loose hair.

The man that is wearing a hat is fatter than the old man.

The girl whose hair is short is happier than the girl with loose hair.


5  Use the clues to write questions. Then answer them.

  1. a sari / the traditional garment / In Jordan?

Is a sari the traditional garment in Jordan?

No, it isn’t. It’s the traditional garment in India.

  1. red colour / people relaxed or excited?

Does the red colour make people relaxed or excited?

The red colour makes people excited.

  1. people usually / casual or formaI clothes / business meetings?

Do people usually wear casual or formal clothes to business meetings?

People usually wear formal clothes to business meetings.

  1. charity shop / usuaIIy / things that pe0ple make? ' .

Does a charity shop usually sell things that people make?

No, it doesn't. It usually sells things that people donate.

  1. Type of clothes I m a football match?

What type of clothes do you wear in a football match?

I usually wear casual and comfortable clothes in a football match.


Vocabulary Corner

6  Read the clues and write the words in the puzzle. You are given the first letters.

  1. a person you work with COLLEAGUE
  2. clean, attractive and stylish SMART
  3. something that you wear on your head HEADDRESS
  4. excellent and worth following as an example EXEMPLARY
  5. the way a person behaves CONDUCT
  6. rules or principles of behaviour ETHICS

7  What is the word for number 7? Write its clue.

GARMENT: a piece of clothing.

إعداد : شبكة منهاجي التعليمية

27 / 10 / 2019



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Yaqeen alomari

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