Exercises of Activity Book

Exercises of Activity Book

1 Look and match

  1. a tent (d)
  2. a desert (a)
  3. bread (b)
  4. coffee (c)


2 Read and complete

Used   Visited   learned   liked   lived   sewed

  1. I liked school today.
  2. We visited a museum.
  3. We learned about how people lived in the past.
  4. The women sewed beautiful clothes.

They used goat’s hair for the tents!


3 Read and complete

in the morning   in the evening   in the afternoon 

  1. Yesterday, Dad cooked a delicious breakfast in the morning.
  2. I helped my teacher at school in the morning.
  3. I played with my friends in the park in the afternoon.
  4. I watched television with in the evening.


4 Look and write


learned   helped   played   visited

  1. I visited my grandmother.
  2. I played table tennis.
  3. I helped my mother.
  4. I learned about planets.


8 Read and circle Yes or No

  1. Fatima was sad at the weekend. No
  2. Fatima helped her mother in the morning. Yes
  3. She brushed her teeth and washed her hands before breakfast. No
  4. The family walked to the beach at a quarter past nine. Yes


9 Say and write

  1. I like apples. Go to sleep, baby! Close one eye. Now close two eyes.
  2. Listen! I can hear a wolf! I’m looking for Nadia. Is she here?
  3. I’m going to the park with my friend. What’s the time? It’s two o’clock.

إعداد : شبكة منهاجي التعليمية

19 / 02 / 2019
