حمّل تطبيق منهاجي الجديد

منهاجي صار أسرع من خلال التطبيق

  Exercises of Pupil’s Book

Exercises of Pupil’s Book

3   Listen again and tick () or cross ()

  1. ()
  2. ()
  3. ()
  4. ()
  5. ()
  6. ()


4   Read and match

Traditional Jordanian crafts

  1. Embroidery (b)
  2. Weaving (c)
  3. Mosaic making (a)


5   Read again and say the craft

  1. Women in the desert did this to make tents for their families.


  1. Students learn how to do this at a school in Madaba.

Mosaic making.

  1. In the past, girls learned how to do this when they were young.



8   Ask and answer

Could you knit when you were eight?

Could you sew when you were eight?

Could you make models when you were eight?

Could you do embroidery when you were eight?

Could you weave when you were eight?

Could you use a computer when you were eight?

Could you paint when you were eight?

Could you mend a puncture when you were eight?

Could you play when you were eight?

Could you speak English when you were eight?

Could you mend a bike when you were eight?

Could you swim when you were eight?

Could you fly a kite when you were eight?

Could you use a sewing machine when you were eight?

إعداد : شبكة منهاجي التعليمية

21 / 02 / 2019


شكرا اجابات غير مختصره❤️ ربي يعطيكم العافيه جميعا على جهودهم المبذولة

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1 ردود

Maryam Abutaleb

اه والله