حمّل تطبيق منهاجي الجديد

منهاجي صار أسرع من خلال التطبيق

  Second section

Exercises of Activity Book

Second section


First Conditional

1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs from the box.

suffer   walk    write    get   book

  1. If you walk everywhere instead of taking the bus, you will be protecting the environment.
  2. If you buy two books, you will get another for free.
  3. If you book your flight early, you will often save money.
  4. If you write a letter to your friend, it will take time to get to him.
  5. lf I stay in the sun too long, l will suffer from a terrible burn.


2 Write five sentences using the First Conditional.

  1. You / hear me better - turn down / radio

You will hear me better if you turn down the radio.

  1. We / not protect / environment - many species / die out

If we do not protect the environment, many species will die out.

  1. You / eat an apple every day you / be very healthy

If you eat an apple every day, you will be very healthy.

  1. You / not pass your exam - you / not Study

If you will not pass your exam if you do not Study.

  1. You / not become / astronaut – you / not study hard

You will not become an astronaut if you do not study hard.

  1. Alice / get good grades – she / listen / the teacher

Alice will get good grades if she listens to the teacher


3 Write sentences with sunny weather activities in one column and rainy weather activities in the other column. Use the suggestions in the box to help you. Begin your sentences:

If the weather is sunny / rainy tomorrow, I...

stay home and read a book

go to the theatre    play tennis

watch a documentary at home

play computer games

go shopping with my friends

go to the museum

play football with my friends


Sunny weather


Rainy weather


  1. If the weather's sunny tomorrow, I’ll go to the theater.
  1. If the weather's rainy tomorrow, I'll stay home and read a book.
  1. If the weather's sunny tomorrow, I’ll play tennis.
  1. If the weather's rainy tomorrow, I'll watch a documentary at home.
  1. If the weather's sunny tomorrow, I’ll go shopping with my friends.
  1. If the weather's rainy tomorrow, I'll play computer games.
  1. If the weather's sunny tomorrow, I’ll go to the museum.


  1. If the weather's sunny tomorrow, I’ll play football with my friends.



4 Complete these questions and then answer them in your notebook so they are true for you.

  1.  What will you do if it rains tomorrow?

If it rain tomorrow, I’ll read a book.

  1. What civilisation will you write about if the class does a project on writing?
  2. Who will you choose to work with on this project if you have to work in pairs?
  3. How will you know which computer to buy if you do not ask your friends?
  4. What will you do if you want to be a professional footballer?
  5. What will you get if you switch on the computer?
  6. How much money will you spend if you go shopping with your friends?


5 Make a chain of three conditional sentences using each of the following beginnings.

  1.  If I get good grades in my exams, my parents will be very proud.
  2. If my family and I go on holidays to the sea, we will have a lot of fun.
  3. If my friends in England can come to Jordan, I will take them on a tour and show them around.


Vocabulary Corner

6 Read the clues 1-6 and write the words in the puzzle. You are given the first letter.

  1. a person in the past whose job was to copy out official documents (SCRIBE).
  2. a place of worship in Ancient Egypt (TEMPLE).
  3. appropriate for a particular person, purpose or situation (SUTABLE).
  4. symbols that represent words. syllables or sounds and were used for writing in Ancient Egypt (HIEROGLYPHICS).
  5. a tall plant that grows in water and was used for writing on (PAPYRUS).
  6. a person who delivers messages as a job (MESSENGER).


7 What is the word for number 7? Write its due.

7. COMMUNICATE: to share or exchange information.

إعداد : شبكة منهاجي التعليمية

09 / 03 / 2019

Maysarah Alsebaie

شكرا الك منهاجي

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Raneem Sukker

افضل منهاجي بالعالم

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Mahmod alzoubi

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