حمّل تطبيق منهاجي الجديد

منهاجي صار أسرع من خلال التطبيق

  First section

Exercises of Activity Book

First section


1  Use the words from the box to fill in the table below.

Comfortable    formal    casual    trendy    smart    fashionable



Type of clothes

Dinner with friends

Comfortable    casual    trendy    fashionable

Business interview

formal    smart   


2  Use the words in exercise 1 to write your own sentences.

Student’s own answers.



Relative Pronouns

3  Circle the correct relative pronoun.

  1. The young man whose briefcase is grey is the new employee.
  2. The charity shop where I sold some of my clothes donated them to the poor.
  3. My grandfather is the man who is wearing a thobe in the photo.
  4. In charity shops, you can buy accessories that are quite cheap.
  5. The Jordanian traditional costume, which is still worn by many people today, is sold in this shop.



4  Complete the table with the correct form of the comparatives and the superlatives.

5  Write definitions of the words in the box using reIative pronouns.

fashion   designer   clock   umbrella   hero   doctor fish   kuflyyah archaeologist


Example answers

A clock is a device that measures time.

An umbrella is an object that protects us against rain or sometimes sun.

A hero is a person who is admired for his courage, achievements and good qualities.

A doctor is a person that cures and gives medical advice to ill people.

A Fish is an animal with gills that lives in water.

A kufiyyah is a traditional headdress that people wear.

An archaeologist is someone who studies ancient societies.

إعداد : شبكة منهاجي التعليمية

25 / 10 / 2019
